Essential Turkish Words and Phrases for Foreign Tourists

As a foreign tourist visiting Turkey, learning a few basic Turkish words and phrases can greatly enhance your travel experience. While many Turks in popular tourist areas speak English, making an effort to communicate in their native language shows respect and helps you connect with the local culture. In this article, we will provide you with a list of simple Turkish words and phrases that will be useful for navigating through daily interactions, ordering food, shopping, and seeking assistance during your trip to Turkey.

Greetings and Basic Expressions

  • Merhaba: Hello
  • Teşekkür ederim: Thank you
  • Evet: Yes
  • Hayır: No
  • Lütfen: Please
  • Nasılsınız? (formal) / Nasılsın? (informal): How are you?
  • İyi: Good
  • Tamam: Okay/All right
  • Hoşgeldiniz: Welcome

Ordering Food and Drinks

  • Menü, lütfen: Menu, please
  • Ne önerirsiniz? (formal) / Ne önerirsin? (informal): What do you recommend?
  • Ben… isterim: I would like…
  • Bir su, lütfen: A water, please
  • Bir kahve/çay, lütfen: A coffee/tea, please
  • Tuz, biber, sirke, limon: Salt, pepper, vinegar, lemon
  • Fatura, lütfen: The bill, please
  • Lezzetli: Delicious
  • Afiyet olsun: Bon appétit

Directions and Transportation

  • Nerede? / …nerede? (for specific places): Where is…?
  • Sağ: Right
  • Sol: Left
  • İleri: Straight ahead
  • Durak: Bus stop
  • Havaalanı: Airport
  • Tren istasyonu: Train station
  • Otobüs durağı: Bus station
  • Taksim’e nasıl giderim? / How can I get to Taksim?
  • Kaç para? / How much is it?

Shopping and Bargaining

  • Kaç lira? / How much? (asking for the price)
  • Pazarlık yapabilir miyim? / Can I bargain?
  • Pahalı / Ucuz: Expensive / Cheap
  • Boyut: Size
  • Renk: Color
  • Satın almak: To buy
  • İndirim: Discount
  • Bu ne kadar? / How much is this?
  • Benim için fazla pahalı / This is too expensive for me
  • Güzel: Beautiful

Emergencies and Assistance

  • Yardım edin! / Help!
  • Polis: Police
  • Ambulans: Ambulance
  • Hastane: Hospital
  • Ben kayboldum / I am lost
  • Telefonunuz var mı? / Do you have a phone?
  • Türkçe bilmiyorum / I don’t speak Turkish
  • Benimle İngilizce konuşabilir misiniz? / Can you speak English with me?
  • Kaybettim: I lost it

Cultural Courtesies

  • Türk kültürü hakkında bana anlatabilir misiniz? / Can you tell me about Turkish culture?
  • Türkçe öğrenmek istiyorum / I want to learn Turkish
  • Türk yemekleri çok lezzetli / Turkish food is very delicious
  • Türkiye harika bir ülke / Turkey is a wonderful country
  • Müze / cami / kilise: Museum / mosque / church
  • Türkçe harika! / Turkish is wonderful!

Learning a few simple Turkish words and phrases can go a long way in creating meaningful connections with locals during your trip to Turkey. It shows respect for the local culture and helps to bridge the communication gap. Whether it’s greeting people, ordering food, seeking directions, or expressing gratitude, these basic Turkish words and phrases will assist you in navigating various situations with ease. Remember, Turks appreciate the effort and will be more than happy to assist you. So, embrace the language and enjoy your interactions while immersing yourself in the vibrant culture of Turkey.

Before you come to Turkey, don’t forget to take a look at our article on the things you should have in your suitcase here. You can use the Google Translate tool for the pronunciation of Turkish words.

İyi şanslar! (Good luck!)